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What is Environmental Services Liability Insurance?
The need for qualified Environmental Contractors and Consultants continues to rise with the increased focus on global environmental concerns. These specialized engineers, contractors and consultants will play an integral part in this newly inspired effort toward improvements in fuel efficiency, technology of alternative fuel products and the overall energy efficiency issues.
As this industry grows, so do the risks. CMI can help to secure professional liability insurance, pollution liability and general liability for these environmental specialists including, but not limited to:
Erosion Control
Lead, Mold & Asbestos Abatement
Natural Resource Managers
Testing Labs
Claim Example
Why it’s smart to have Environmental Services Liability Insurance
A small environmental services firm was hired by a large developer. The firm provided soil mapping services for an onsite waste disposal and a storm water runoff plan for a new residential neighborhood owned by the developer. After the neighborhood was complete, problems arose with the soil classification. The developer claimed the soil classification was erroneous and sued the firm, alleging the incorrect soil classification caused a septic system malfunction leading to extensive repairs estimated at $52,000. The case went to mediation and three years later settled in favor of the developer.